
High-Rise project ONE receives preliminary Platinum certification from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (German Association for Sustainable Building)

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CA Immo successfully issues a EUR 500 m benchmark bond

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Tree Surgery Work on the Eggarten-Estate

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CA Immo intends to issue a benchmark size corporate bond

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CA Immo completes rental agreements for 4,800 m² of leasable space in Munich

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CA Immo raises consolidated net income by over 30%

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CA Immobilien Anlagen AG placed its IMMOFINANZ shares in the market

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CA Immobilien Anlagen AG announces sale of remaining shares in IMMOFINANZ

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Architectural competition for CA IMMO office and residential building in the Zollhafen MAINZ decided

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CA Immo starts construction of two premium office buildings in Prague top location

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