
Tour TOTAL wins immobilienawardberlin prize for 2013

Tour TOTAL, the sophisticated office high-rise close to Berlin’s main station, confirmed as a major milestone in the development of the Europacity district.

The winners of the immobilienawardberlin for 2013 were announced on 18 November 2013. The prize honours properties in Berlin that set the standard for future developments. Entries are assessed on the basis of urban planning and architectural aspects as well as technical, design-based, environmental and energy-related criteria. This year, the immobilienawardberlin was conferred for the fifth time with the patronage of Berlin’s Senate Building Director Regula Lüscher.

In her congratulatory speech, the Director explained the thinking behind the jury’s decision this year: “As the first office building in Europacity, Tour TOTAL has provided the spark and forced other building projects in the area to judge themselves against its high architectural standards. Congratulations to CA Immo, who submitted this project for the award!”

About Tour TOTAL
The high-rise building completed by CA Immo in 2012 to house the new German headquarters of oil company TOTAL was also the first building block in the Europacity district, close to Berlin’s main station. The 68 metre-high building with 17 above-ground floors (16 office levels and a service floor) has gross floor space of nearly 18,000 sqm; if the three basement levels and the underground car park are taken into account, the gross floor space comes to 28,000 sqm. The cubic content of the building was initially determined by the requirements of optimised, well exposed office floor plans. The three-dimensional grid-like facade gives the structure a strong identity, both close up and from a distance. Tour TOTAL has qualified for silver certification from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB). Efficient energy recovery, triple glazing and exterior sun screens are all elements in the climate control concept. CA Immo subsidiary omniCon was responsible for construction management, while Berlin-based Barkow Leibinger was appointed as the architect.

About the immobilienawardberlin
All real estate projects completed in Berlin before 31 July 2013 in the residential, office, retail, special, transport and infrastructure categories were eligible to enter. The projects were assessed on the basis of urban planning, architectural, technical and design-related aspects as well as environmental, economic and socio-cultural criteria. The jury comprised one representative from each initiator of the award (Berliner Volksbank, DG HYP, Drees & Sommer, Gleiss Lutz, Jones Lang LaSalle and stöbe mehnert), one representative of the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment and one from empirica AG.

Please address any questions to:

CA Immobilien Anlagen AG
Susanne Steinböck
Tel.: +43/1/532 59 07-533 