
Stiftung Habitat gets involved in the Erlenmatt district of Basel

Basel, 27 May 2010. A new city district, the Erlenmatt, is taking shape in the northeast of Basel. The heart of the district is a park some 538,200 ft² in size, bordering on building land that will be developed over the coming years. Together with various partners, the real estate company Vivico is developing the former grounds of the DB goods depot into a new district. The first residents were able to move in to newly erected flats as early as summer 2009. Now Stiftung Habitat [Habitat Foundation] will acquire three building sites in the east of the area which are to be developed for various purposes.


From the end of September 2010, Stiftung Habitat will gradually take over the three H, I and J building sites in the east of Erlenmatt. The total size of these building sites comes to around 236,800 ft². The majority of the land is undeveloped and is to be built on by the year 2014. The northern section of the site is to be occupied by the Basler Lagerhausgesellschaft BLG [Basel Warehouse Company BLG] by the year 2023 thanks to a new building plan.
"We would like these sites to combine a lively mix of both residential and work areas," says Klaus Hubmann, foundation board member and chief executive of Stiftung Habitat. Habitat will act as developer itself, for example completing numerous smaller and medium-sized residential buildings. But the hope is to gain other developers as well. "With innovative forms of living and owning we hope to appeal to a variety of residents and thus encourage people to settle in the newly created city district," says Hubmann. Therefore building groups and associations, for example, should also be able to get involved. Contributing to the variety of land uses will also be a row of business and commercial buildings along Signalstrasse.
"We are very pleased that we were able to gain such a competent partner for further development in Erlenmatt," said Bernhard H. Hansen, Chairman of the Board at Vivico. Erlenmatt thus welcomes another creative contribution to the development of Erlenmatt and Kleinbasel. "With the new building structure of the BLG in the north, now the entire eastern part of the site can also be opened up."
Four architectural offices are drafting proposals for future development for Stiftung Habitat within the context of a study mandate. In parallel to this, the Foundation will refine the land use plans over the coming months. By the end of 2010 the Foundation will be able to present the results of the study mandate and details of further plans to the Basel population and the interested public.