
Revision phase completed for the new city quarter in Munich’s Baumkirchen neighbourhood

Munich, 1 April 2010 – The revision of the urban and landscape planning competition “Leben in urbaner Natur” (“Living in urban nature”) for a new city quarter in the Baumkirchen neighbourhood of Munich has now been completed following a jury session on 26 March 2010. The competition was supported by Vivico in cooperation with the Munich authorities.


In its deliberations on 15 January 2010, the jury, chaired by Prof. Carl Fingerhuth (Zurich), awarded first prize to the design by Ammann Albers StadtWerke and Schweingruber Zulauf Landschaftsarchitekten (both of Zurich).Second prize went to Peter Ebner and friends (Vienna) and mahl-gebhard-konzepte Landschaftsarchitekten BDLA (Munich). The work by peter haimerl . architektur (Munich) and Atelier Loidl Landschaftsarchitekten (Berlin) was awarded third prize. The presentation took place with the recommendation that the organisers follow up the competition with a revision phase involving all three designs based on the jury’s assessment.
The aim of the revision phase was to explore the respective concepts in greater depth and underpin them with feasible implementation strategies. The functions of living, working, shopping, sport and relaxation as well as natural space were to be optimally combined and all requirements with respect to sustainability were to be met.
In the jury’s opinion, this task was completed most convincingly by the revised design by Peter Ebner and friends and mahl-gebhard-konzepte Landschaftsarchitekten BDLA. The design proved particularly convincing thanks to a type of structure new to the area. A homogenous structure would be built that would encircle extensive green spaces. This design will now form the basis for the subsequent planning process.
The results of the revision phase will be on display in the foyer of the Munich Planning Department at Blumenstraße 28 b from 27 April to 7 May 2010 and can be viewed there between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.