
Development of the Marina Quartier is making steady progress

Regensburg, 20.02.2013 - CA Immo has sold a further residential plot in Regensburg's Marina Quartier. The buyer of the approximately 1,700 m² (18,299 ft²) property is the Wackersdorf-based company Gruber Wohnbau und Vertriebs GmbH. The company plans to construct approx. 30 privately owned flats with a floor space totalling some 3,100 m² (33,368 ft²).


With the sale of the property to Gruber Wohnbau und Vertriebs GmbH, CA Immo has now been able to find a second investor and building contractor for the Marina Quartier. In the past, the company has rendered outstanding services in Regensburg, especially through the high-quality refurbishments in the old part of town. The allocation of properties on the plots intended for both housing construction and high-grade commercial use (e.g. offices, hotels, etc.) to further investors is due to start shortly. The first projects are to be realised in the quarter as early as the start of 2013.

“Our goal is to develop an up-market quarter offering a wide range of facilities for all manner of different lifestyles. In addition to creating a lively yet robust mixed use, a varied and attractive architecture of both the residential and office buildings is very important to us," explains Bernhard H. Hansen, Head of Development at CA Immo.

CA Immo and the city of Regensburg have therefore agreed to set up an advisory committee to ensure the quality of the quarter. All building projects in the Marina Quartier are to be submitted to the advisory committee for inspection in order to ensure that the buildings and the landscape design are compatible with the intended overall urban planning and architectural picture. Voting members of the advisory committee include representatives of the city planning department, the building authorities as well as the planning committee of the city of Regensburg.

Facts & figures on the Marina Quartier (draft land-use plan dated 25.09.2012)
Designated area of the land-use plan, 6.9 hectares
71,625 m² (771,000 ft²) of floor space including around 70% residential and 30% higher-end  commercial
Approx. 450 townhouses and residential units 
Approx. 500 jobs

Background of the Marina Quartier
CA Immo was awarded the contract to develop the district, which lies around the former slaughterhouse near the old part of town, by the City of Regensburg in March 2011. The decision was based on an urban development concept that was drawn up together with the ASTOC team and in agreement with the city planning authority, and this concept eventually became the basis for the current land-use plan after the contract was awarded. 

The draft of the land-use plan envisages the development of a mixed-use quarter on a plot area of around seven hectares. The concept provides for the development of a mixed-purpose residential quarter with around 450 residential units in townhouses and apartments covering a floor space of approx. 50,000 m² (538,195 ft²). Some of the properties will also be used as offices, cultural and social venues and for retailers so the district will have its own local amenities. Another approx. 21,500 square metres (232,000 square feet) have been set aside for this purpose. 

The listed former slaughterhouse building constitutes the heart of the quarter. This historic building will be preserved and completely renovated. Besides office lofts, cultural facilities are also to be integrated here. The City of Regensburg is thus currently looking into building a conference and meeting centre in part of the building. 

The district takes its name from a planned marina on the Danube, which is to be used for small- to medium-sized recreational and sailing boats. This is to be created once the flood protection measures planned for the area are in place. The theme of “water” can be found throughout the plans for the district’s open and green spaces: The car-free inner area of the district is to be criss-crossed by generous lines of trees, green spaces and ponds, increasing the residents’ quality of life. Even the private courtyards and gardens of the residential buildings will be exceptionally green and will also offer play equipment for children. 

CA Immo was able to bring Immobilien Zentrum Regensburg (IZR) on board as the first partner for the realisation of the quarter as early as spring 2012. IZR purchased several residential construction sites from CA Immo as well as the listed old slaughterhouse building. 


Markus Diekow - CA Immo Deutschland GmbH - Corporate Communications
Europa-Allee 22 - 60327 Frankfurt am Main 
Telephone: 069 – 606 27 – 115