
CA Immo constructs another office building in Europacity

CA Immo has decided to develop and construct a further office building in Europacity. To this end, the company has now entered into a contract with ABDA - Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Apothekerverbände (Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists) concerning some 70% of the office space. CA Immo’s investment volume for this property will be around EUR 35 million.

The building, which has been designed by Kleihues+Kleihues (Berlin), is situated directly on Heidestraße opposite the Tour Total. The construction of the building, occupying some 9,500 m²  of gross office space, is planned to begin as early as 2016 and is to be completed at the beginning of 2019. The contract with ABDA provides that the association will initially occupy the part of the building developed specially for its requirements for two years under a lease and will then become the owner of the property. The special features of the Apotheker-Haus (Pharmacists' Building) are the plenary hall, occupying an area of some 300 m², and the top floor with its large conference rooms and adjacent roof terraces. The remaining areas of the building will remain part of CA Immo's portfolio. CA Immo will also be able to let smaller areas here from around 100 m². So far no office space of this size has been available at Europacity.

The design for the building has already been presented to and approved by the construction committee in Berlin. The next step for CA Immo will be to prepare a corresponding planning application. Like all new structures built by CA Immo, this building will be planned and constructed as a Green Building in adherence to strict sustainability criteria. After the building has been completed, it will be certified by the DGNB - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen  (German Sustainable Building Council).

The construction of this building consolidates the development of the southern section of Heidestraße. Recent years have already seen the completion of two hotels and the Tour Total and Monnet 4 office blocks here (both built by CA Immo). Four further buildings are currently under construction: an office building for the auditing company KPMG (CA Immo) as well as the headquarters for 50Hertz and Ernst Basler & Partner. Furthermore, the Groth Group is currently constructing a new residential building in this location. The conversion of Heidestraße into a boulevard with a width of 38 metres (124.67 feet) (formerly 22 metres (72.18 feet)) is on schedule and will be finished in 2016. A characteristic feature of the boulevard is the tree-lined pedestrian walkways, each seven metres (22.97 feet) wide with trees planted in the green centre strip.

It was only in December 2015 that the Berlin House of Representatives agreed to the land-use plan for the quarter developed by CA Immo in close cooperation with the state government of Berlin, thus freeing the way for further apartments, which are so urgently needed in Berlin, to be built here along with nurseries, office buildings and shops. In the coming years, some 1,500 apartments will be built in this area. Construction has already begun on some apartments and is scheduled to begin in 2016 for many others. CA Immo recently began the construction of an office building for the auditing company KPMG on Heidestrasse; additional office projects are currently in the pipeline.

3A Immobilieninvestment | Recht und Strategie has supported CA Immo with legal advice in the contractual negotiations.