
CA Immo and O1 Group Limited correct statements from Zehetner published in the current issue of Profil magazine and announce commencement of legal actions

Joint Press Release CA Immo and O1 Group Limited

CA Immobilien Anlagen AG and O1 Group Limited recently launched a voluntary partial tender offer for 13.5% of the shares in Immofinanz AG.  As a result, the share price of Immofinanz immediately appreciated significantly from a level of € 2.40 to € 2.80, to the benefit of all Immofinanz shareholders. We note that at the time of our announcement, Mr Zehetner, CEO of Immofinanz, publicly welcomed CA Immo as a new shareholder.

CA Immobilien Anlagen AG and O1 Group Limited emphasize that they have complied with all regulatory rules regarding the tender offer and regarding their stake in Immofinanz. They therefore thoroughly rebut claims of the opposite by the CEO of Immofinanz, Mr. Zehetner, published in the current issue of Profil magazine. Both CA immo and O1 Group Limited will take legal recourse against Mr. Zehetner for his false and misleading statements.

Additionally CA Immo clarifies that contrary to the view presented by Mr Zehetner, no contractual obligations against Immofinanz AG have been breached. Mr. Zehetner completely ignores the conduct of Immofinanz when in Summer of 2014 they submitted a binding offer to acquire a 16% stake in CA Immo, clearly stating that there was no such stand still agreement in place.  

Additionally we highlight the invitation extended to members of the current bidding consortium by representatives of Immofinanz AG during the fourth quarter of 2014 to buy shares of Immofinanz, which eventually they did, under strict compliance with all relevant reporting duties. As the shareprice development of Immofinanz since then shows, this was also to the benefit of all Immofinanz shareholders. 

We call on Mr. Zehetner and Immofinanz to stop actions that interfere with our Tender Offer and to stop taking actions that harm the interests of all shareholders. 

For details please contact:

CA Immobilien Anlagen AG
Susanne Steinböck
Tel.: +43 1532 590 7533

O1 Group Limited
Lidia Grechina
Head of corporate communications,
Tel +7 495 788 5575 ext.3005
Mobile: +7 985 364 65 57