
Baustart für Büro-, Geschäfts- und Ärztehaus in München

Munich, 21 January 2010 - Today construction started for the business building AMBIGON in the Munich Schlossviertel Nymphenburg. The building is located on Wotanstrasse and comprises in all about 16,400 m² (176,528 ft²) of above-ground gross floor space (GFS), uniting various uses all under one roof. Space available is about 5,200 m² (55,972 ft²) for offices, about 4,400 (47,361 ft²) for retail, about 4,400 m² (47,361 ft²) for a medical centre and about 2,400 m² (25,833 ft²) for a rehabilitation and fitness area.


Even before the start of construction Vivico was able to conclude contracts for around 47 percent of the rental space of the building. For instance an operator's contract for a specialist medical care centre was concluded with the Munich aescuran Therapieleistungen GmbH for a total of about 3,000 m² (32,292 ft²) of rental space. Furthermore, about 1,600 m² (17,222 ft²) of retail and storage space was rented to REWE Markt GmbH and about 1,560 m² (16,792 ft²) of retail and storage space to Aldi GmbH & Co KG.
The building, designed by Jürke Architects (Munich), forms a striking prelude to the Schlossviertel Nymphenburg. On the district side, the building will in future encircle an attractive city square that opens up onto the residential development. Both during the development and during the realisation of the building, Vivico is paying particular attention to adhering to sustainability aspects. So, for example, AMBIGON is undercutting the requirements of the current Energieeinsparverordnung (German Energy Saving Ordinance) EnEV 2009 on primary energy needs by more than 20 percent. The particularly favourable setting of the building when it comes to transport - directly at the S-Bahn station Laim - also underscores the ecological approach of the building. Certification of the building by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB - German Society for Sustainable Construction) is planned. The AMBIGON project is due to be completed by the summer of 2011.
Over 700 high-quality flats have already been realised in the Schlossviertel Nymphenburg developed by Vivico in recent years under the direction of various property developers. In addition, two nurseries and an attractive playground have also been constructed. By 2006, Vivico had already completed the new Sportpark Nymphenburg (Nymphenburg Sports Park) in the district. The state capital Munich is planning the construction of a primary school for 2012.