
Another tenant found for the Kontorhaus in Munich

CA Immo has finalised another lease of more than 6,000 m² (64,000 ft²) with an international software company for the Kontorhaus in Munich’s Arnulfpark. This addition increases the occupancy to around 92% as the Kontorhaus approaches completion.

- Lease of roughly  6,000 m² (64,600 ft²)

- Occupancy increases to 92% before completion


Dr Bruno Ettenauer, CEO of CA Immo: “After Google, Acentrix and Egencia, this lease means we have won yet another innovative, international company for the Kontorhaus. This shows the success of our strategy of developing efficient office space and, beyond that, creating office buildings that meet the changing requirements of companies in terms of internal communications and office structures.“

Offering roughly 25,000 m² (269,000 ft²) of gross floor space, the Kontorhaus will be completed in the autumn of 2015. All in all, CA Immo has invested some 101 million euros in this building project.

Striking features of the building, which was designed by architecture firm LRO Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei, are the characteristic brick façade and sweeping entrance arch, reminiscent of the Hackerbrücke (Hacker bridge), which provide an attractive architectural contrast to neighbouring buildings. An approximately 40-m (131 ft) tower marks the eastern boundary of the building and permits a view of the city and Alpine panorama that cannot be blocked by development. The leases just concluded are for space in this tower. Strict conditions regarding sustainability were applied during the implementation of this building project. CA Immo is to obtain certification from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) after completion.