
Additional tenants in Munich Kontorhaus

CA Immo lets 2,300 sqm in Munich office project

  • New leases for approximately 2,300 sqm of space in the Kontorhaus building
  • Kontorhaus completion slated for late summer 2015 

 Munich, 06.07.2015 – CA Immo has concluded two additional leases for around 2,300 m² of total office space in the Kontorhaus building in Munich’s Arnulfpark quarter. The tenants are the firms acentrix GmbH (approx. 1,000 sqm) and Egencia GmbH (approx. 1,300 sqm). The conclusion of these leases raises the building’s occupancy rate to approximately 62% before the facility has even been completed. 

Both business travel specialist Egencia and strategy and technology consulting firm acentrix, a cloud computing specialist, are existing tenants in Arnulfpark who are now moving their offices into the Kontorhaus to obtain more space. Egencia was previously a tenant in CA Immo’s fully let Skygarden building. Tenant PwC AG will be taking over the space freed up, expanding the company’s presence there.

Offering roughly 25,000 sqm of gross floor space, the Kontorhaus will be completed in the later summer of 2015. CA Immo has invested a total of 97 million euros in the building, the primary tenant of which will be Google, which is opening a Munich headquarters there, occupying around 55% of total space. 

Striking features of the building, which was designed by architecture firm LRO Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei, are the characteristic brick façade and sweeping entrance arch, reminiscent of the Hackerbrücke (Hacker bridge), which provide an attractive architectural contrast to neighbouring buildings. A tower approximately 40 m high marks the eastern boundary of the building and permits a view of the city and Alpine panorama that cannot be blocked by development. The leases just concluded are for space in this tower. Strict environmental planning is part of the building concept, with CA Immo to obtain certification from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) after completion.